Juneau Construction Company COVID-19 Protocols and Safety Protocols
The purpose of this policy is to minimize transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19) virus in the workplace by providing protection to employees and thus preventing transmission to members of the community. This COVID-19 Policy on applies to all employees of Juneau.
A. Overview and General Information
Juneau Construction Company (“Juneau”) strongly encourages all employees to be fully vaccinated. Employees are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completing primary vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine with, if applicable, at least the minimum recommended interval between doses. For example, this includes two weeks after a second dose in a two-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine, or two weeks after the second dose of any combination of two doses of different COVID-19 vaccines as part of one primary vaccination series.
B. Supporting COVID-19 Vaccination
An employee may take up to four hours of duty time per dose to travel to the vaccination site, receive a vaccination, and return to work. This would mean a maximum of eight hours of duty time for employees receiving two doses. If an employee spends less time getting the vaccine, only the necessary amount of duty time will be granted. Employees who take longer than four hours to get the vaccine must follow the standard procedures outlined in the Employee Manual and are subject to the attendance policies set forth therein. If an employee is vaccinated outside of their approved duty time they will not be compensated.
Employees may utilize up to two workdays of sick leave immediately following each dose if they have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccination that prevent them from working. Employees who have no sick leave will be granted up to two days of additional sick leave immediately following each dose if necessary. All time off requests, whether to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine or for sick leave to recover from side effects, shall be the same as time off request submissions outlined in the Employee Manual.
C. Employee Notification of COVID-19 or Exposure to COVID-19
All employees who are exposed to COVID-19 (whether in the workplace or elsewhere) must promptly notify their supervisor and HR and provide essential tracing information upon request, such as the exposure date, close contacts with other employees, vaccination status or if they have tested positive for COVID-19 within the preceding 90-days.
Similarly, all employees shall immediately communicate to their supervisor and HR if they are sick or experiencing symptoms while at home or at work. In addition to the leave policies outlined in the Employee Manual, Juneau will permit employees who test positive for or are diagnosed with COVID-19 up to an additional ten (10) leave days in a calendar year.
Medical Removal from the Workplace
Juneau has also implemented a policy for keeping COVID-19 positive employees from the workplace in certain circumstances. Juneau will immediately remove an employee from the workplace if they have received a positive COVID-19 test or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a licensed healthcare provider (i.e., immediately send them home or to seek medical care, as appropriate).
Return to Work Criteria
For any employee removed because they are COVID-19 positive, Juneau will keep them removed from the workplace for at least five (5) days, or until the employee has resolving symptoms (i.e., 24-hours with no fever). The CDC’s Quarantine and Isolation Guidance is available at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html. The following flow chart illustrates quarantine and isolation requirements when an employee is exposed to, or tests positive for, COVID-19:
If an employee has severe COVID-19 or an immune disease, Juneau will follow the guidance of a licensed healthcare provider regarding return to work.
Any employee COVID-19 medical information, including vaccination status, test results, and any other information obtained as a result of an employee’s compliance with this COVID-19 Policy, shall remain confidential and treated as protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and applicable regulations from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Moreover, Juneau will continue to strictly enforce its anti retaliation prohibition and other Federal labor protections as outlined under Section 2 of the Employee Manual.
Please direct any questions regarding this policy to Human Resources.
An individual is considered “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccines when they have received their primary series COVID-19 vaccine in accordance with CDC’s recommended dosage and timing guidelines and a COVID-19 booster.
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